Thursday, March 11, 2010

We just got addictive with 'Autoplay'!

From user feedback, we implemented what we are calling 'Autoplay'.

In the past, if you discovered a topic with more than one video you wanted to watch then you would watch the first video then click the next preview to watch the next video.

Now, with Autoplay, PersistentFan automatically goes to the next video in the list. This allows you to sit back and enjoy a series of interesting videos without stopping what you are doing.

The user experience is outlined in the screenshot below, notice the 'now playing' box around the preview. This is the video the user is currently watching. When the video finishes the next preview to the right becomes the video that starts playing.

Here are a couple of great topics to give this a whirl:
Breaking bands at SXSW 2010
Aziz Ansari
The Simpsons
The Onion
Star Wars Spoofs

Mike (Bacon)

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